Wardrobista 聯乘INFINITI C
Wardrobista, 香港禮服租賃平台,以「少購買多租賃」的理念鼓勵女性多租用衣服來減少時裝衣服廢棄來推廣環保觀念。
Infiniti C 全港少有全100%無麩質另提供生酮及純素選擇的文青咖啡店。理念以減低碳排放量及保護環境意識為守的一間咖啡店。
除此之外,Wardrobista 聯乘INFINITI C 合作驚喜優惠活動有以下優惠有效期由2021年1月6日開始至4月6日為止。
Infiniti C & Wardrobista 禮品咭套裝優惠*
顧客以優惠價 $1,680 購買特別禮品套裝,套裝禮品包括Infiniti C 8寸主題環保蛋糕 (原價$950) 及價值$1,000禮服租賃禮品咭
優惠2 :
INFINITI Cx Wardrobista - (冬天期間限定) 環保風Cake Set
黑天鵝藍莓黑芝麻純素生酮蛋糕及咖啡 (優惠價$120) (原價$136)
Wardrobistax INFINITI C -全港唯一全無麩質cafe 推出全新純素生酮無麩質蛋糕
- 黑天鵝藍莓黑芝麻純素生酮蛋糕(Black Swan Gluten Free Keto Vegan Cake)
芝麻口味搭配自家制有機藍莓醬,利用椰漿代替外層忌廉。(選擇椰漿的原因。就算要減肥,還是得攝取脂肪才能維持健康,椰漿中的鏈脂肪酸(Medium-chain fatty acids,MCFA),算是對需控制體重的人來說,能安心攝取的。)無採用任何雞蛋及奶類製品。適合對蛋奶敏感及減少對乳製品及農場雞蛋的依賴。純日本杏仁粉與日本黑芝麻粉製作蛋糕。搭配天然羅漢果糖。帶出芝麻香味及清甜的藍莓味。入口味道清新,加上全是天然健康無負擔的食材,配以一杯咖啡( Americano/ Piccolo / Cafe Latte/ Cappuccino/ flat white ) ,簡直是完美配搭。
Infiniti C X Wardrobista 承聯蛋糕套餐優惠,顧客如上載黑天鵝蛋糕相片追踪/讚好並標籤Infiniti C 及Wardrobista 在任何網絡平台如Facebook/Instagram , 均可以優惠價$120享用蛋糕套餐乙份
蛋糕單售: $88 (每件)
顧客如持有Wardrobista X Infiniti C蛋糕消費收據均獲9折禮服租賃優惠券一張
顧客持有Wardrobista 消費收據,均可享有9折結婚蛋糕預訂服務。
- Wardrobista - 銅鑼灣恩平道19號2樓
- Infiniti C - 堅尼地城爹核士街11號𠗕峰地下6號舖
- Infiniti C By October - 西營盤西邊街38號明德山A舖
- Infiniti C K11 Musea - 香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號K11 MUSEA 2 樓LA202號舖
如要預約請Whatsapp (852) 6611-8715 或電郵至 info@wardrobista.com 查詢。
INFINITI C,一間以推廣咖啡及100%無麩質食品的精品咖啡店。另一個理念就是以減低碳排放量及保護環境意識為守 的一間咖啡店。所以選用的食材,原材料均以天然 ˴ 新鮮˴ 無化學物質為準則。
主餐只有白肉(無激素的雞肉及魚類)、提供無麩質,生酮及純素的餐食,烹調方式主要以慢煮及輕調味的 為主。目的除了保留食材的營養之外,輕調味可以令客人真真 正正品嘗咖啡自身的滋味。蛋糕 ˴ 面包 ˴ 純素牛油 ˴ 手工果醬,全以低糖˴ 無麩質˴ 有機及自家製為主。部份是純素無麩質的蛋糕,令一眾 純素的客人可以安心食用。
Infiniti C – 堅尼地城爹核士街11號𠗕峰地下6號舖
Infiniti C By October - 西營盤西邊街38號明德山A舖
Infiniti C K11 Musea - 香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號K11 MUSEA 2 樓LA202號舖
Instagram: Infiniti__C & infinitic_october
Facebook: Infinitichk & InfiniticXOctober
Wardrobista 由 "Wardrobe" 及 "Bista" 兩個字組成。"Wardrobe" 即衣櫃,而"Bista" 則是達人,整體的意思就是「善用衣櫃空間的達人」。Wardrobista希望可以凝聚一群支持資源共享、減少浪費的人,令大家更有效利用衣櫃空間 -- 租借一些很久才穿一、兩次的衣服/ 手袋,如晚裝裙、襯托晚裝的小手袋、渡假時穿著在泳衣外的cover up等。真正實現Own the look, Not the dress!
Go Green! A Sustainable Collaboration for Fashionistas and Foodies
Two brands who value a think-green attitude are joining hands to bring you special offers, for a limited time only!
Wardrobista, a wardrobe-sharing platform embraces the value of “Shop Less, Rent More” and encourages women to share their under-used clothing items and follow an eco-friendly ethos to reduce fashion wastage.
Infiniti C by October also believes in a sustainable lifestyle - their cafe is 100% gluten free and promotes a vegan, keto and low carbon footprint diet.
This winter, Infiniti C & Wardrobista are collaborating to launch A Gluten Free Keto Vegan cake –Black Swan Blueberries Black Sesame cake! Using 100% Almond flour, Sweetener Stevia monk fruit, Japanese Black sesame powder with homemade blueberries jam. Taste refreshing and mild sweetness.
From 6th January 2020 - 6th April 2021, at all Infiniti C branches, customers can enjoy many special offers, including:
Offer 1
Infiniti C Wholecake X Wardrobista Gift Voucher Package* valued at a special price of HK$1,680 (original price HK$1,950), inclusive of one whole cake worth HK$950 and a HK$1,000 Wardrobista dress rental gift card, valid until 28th February 2021. Each Wardrobista gift card valid for 6 months from date of purchase
Offer 2
Infiniti C X Wardrobista Special Collaborative Cake Set, inclusive of a coffee special price at HK$120 (org. HK$136). Upload a photo and tag both brands on social media to redeem this special offer
Offer 3
A 10% dress rental discount coupon at Wardrobista for all customers who purchase a Wardrobista X Infiniti C cake (slice or wholecake)
Offer 4
10% discount on an Infiniti C Wedding Cake Set for Wardrobista customers
Don’t miss out on this unique limited-edition collaboration! Support sustainability through passion of fashion and food.
Offers can be redeemed at:
- Wardrobista - 2/F, 19 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay
- Infiniti C – Shop 6, G/F, The Hudson, 11 Davis Street, Western District
- Infiniti C By October - Shop A, G/F, Kings Hill, 38 Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
- Infiniti C K11 Musea - Kiosk LA202, Level 2, K11 MUSEA, Victoria Dockside,18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
*Offer 1 Gift Voucher Package only available for redemption at Wardrobista.
Email Wardrobista at info@wardrobista.com, or Whatsapp at (852) 6611-8715 for any booking enquirers.
About Infiniti C
Infiniti C is a Gluten Free Café, whose primary objective is to promote specialty coffee and create delicious food that is not restrictive to anyone, regardless of food allergies. All food is gluten free, including cakes. They focus on using raw ingredients that are free of chemicals, to reduce their carbon footprint.
About Wardrobista
Dress rental platform Wardrobista envisions a future where wardrobe-sharing and clothing rental will be a norm around the globe. The company offers designer dresses rental to free up space in our modern wardrobe and help in the fight against fashion wastage.